J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs > Volume 7(3); 2001 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Women's Health Nursing 2001;7(3):382-392.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.2001.7.3.382   
Breast-feeding & Breast-feeding Health Behavior among first-time mothers
Eunok Park1, Kunsei Lee2, Insoon Jang3, Kyungja June4
1Dep. of Nursing Cheju National University, Cheju, Korea
2Dep. of Preventive Medicine, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
3Dep. of Nursing, Joonang University, Seoul, Korea
4Dep. of Nursing Sooncheonhyang University, Seoul, Korea
The purpose of this study is to investigate breast-feeding and breast-feeding health behavior among korean first-time mothers and to provide basic data for promoting breast-feeding. Data were collected by interview or self report from 444 first-time mothers who visited health clinic center in the area of metropolitan, medium or small city, countryside. and whose infants were under 12 months old from January 2001 to February 2001. The results show that breast-feeding was 31.5% in a week after childbirth, 25.8% in 4 weeks after childbirth, 22.7% in 2 months, 17.8% in 3 months, 14.3% in 6 months, 2.5% in 12 months after childbirth. Breast-feeding rate was very low in Korea and the duration of breast-feeding was very short. Breast-feeding health behavior did not show significant differences by general characteristics of the subjects except area. The subjects in the health clinic center with MCN project did better breast feeding health behavior than the subject in the health clinic center without MCN project. To raise breast-feeding rate, several strategy could be suggested. Systemic education about importance and advantages of breast-feeding and desirable breast-feeding method should be provided to pregnant women and post-partum women. Childbirth leave in the work should be prolonged, and supportive facility such as nursery room should be installed for working mothers. Hospitals should follow the guideline of 'Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative' which was provided by UNISEF and WHO, including rooming-in after delivery.
Key Words: Breast-feeding; Breast-feeding health behavior; First-time mother

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