Postpartum Depressive Score and Related Factors Pre- and Post-delivery |
Sun Ok Lee, Jung Hee Yeo, Suk Hee Ahn, Hyeon Sook Lee, Hyun Joo Yang, Mi Jung Han |
1Department of Nursing, Silla University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Dong-A University, Korea. 3College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Korea. 4Pusan Ilsin Christian Hospital, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study aimed to identify the scores of postpartum depression(PPD) on the first day, 1st week, and 6th week after the delivery and to explore their related factors before and after delivery in postpartum women. METHODS With a survey design, 293 postpartum women were recruited from a postpartum unit, Ilsin Christian hospital in Pusan via convenience sampling and were followed at 1st week and 6th week in the outpatient clinic. RESULTS Results showed that the scores of PPD(EPDS score) were low at postpartum 1st day, 1st week and 6th week but prevalence of PPD(EPDS > or =13) was 3.1% at 1st day, 8.2% at 1st week and 7.5% at 6th week, respectively. The pre-delivery factors were experience of depression, and the post-delivery factors were baby's sex(1st day), no caregiver for baby(1st week), and no help and concern for taking care of baby from husband and family(1st day and 6th week). The greater satisfaction with becoming a mother and her life, and greater maternal attachment were related to lower level of PPD at the three time points. CONCLUSION Regular screening for postpartum depression and supportive and informative education is needed for postpartum women visiting the outpatient clinic for follow-up. |
Key Words:
Postpartum depression; Delivery |