Korean J Women Health Nurs Search


Korean J Women Health Nurs > Volume 15(4); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2009;15(4):320-327.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.2009.15.4.320   
Gender Role Identity and Quality of Life of Hysterectomy Women Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hyun Ju Lee, Hyoung Sook Park, Nam Hee Kim
1Inje University Hospital, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea. haedang@pusan.ac.kr
3Department of Nursing, Silla University, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of the gender role identity and quality of life of women applying hormone replacement therapy with hysterectomy and to identify the relation among these variables.The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of the gender role identity and quality of life of women applying hormone replacement therapy with hysterectomy and to identify the relation among these variables. METHODS: The subjects were 121 outpatients applying hormone replacement therapy with hysterectomy at a university hospital in Busan province. The data were collected using self-reported questionnaire and medical record, from September to October 2008. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in the degree of quality of life according to the age, educational level, occupation, family economic status, Body Mass Index (BMI), menopause state, duration to restarting intercourse from hysterectomy, discomfort from intercourse, satisfaction from intercourse and duration, sources, and formulation of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The femininity identity group occupied the largest proportion (31.4%), and then the masculinity identity group (28.1%), the undifferentiated identity group (26.4%), and finally the androgyny identity group (14.1%). There was a positive correlation between femininity and quality of life (r=.276, p=.002). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that HRT helps the women's sense of loss caused by hysterectomy to be reduced, the postmenopausal symptom after hysterectomy to be relieved and the quality of life to be improved.
Key Words: Hysterectomy; Hormone replacement therapy; Gender role identity; Quality of life

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