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Editorial Board

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Jan 2024- Dec 2025 Jan 2022- Dec 2023 Jan 2020 – Dec 2021 Jan 2018 – Dec 2019 Jan 2016 – Dec 2017 Jan 2014 – Dec 2015
Kim, Sue, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Yonsei University, Korea
Associate Editors
Nho, Ju-Hee, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Jeonbuk National University, Korea
Kim, Hyun Kyoung, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing and Health, Department of Nursing, Kongju National University, Korea
Editorial Board
Bae, Kyung Eui, PhD, RNDepartment of Nursing Science, Dongseo University, Korea
Cheon, Sukhee, PhD, RNCollege of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Science, Sangji University, Korea
Choi, Hyunkyung, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Chung, Chae Weon, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Drake, Emily E, PhD, RN (~2022)School of Nursing, University of Virginia, USA
Kang, Sook Jung, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Kim, Kyung Won, PhD, RNCollege of Korean Medicine, Department of Nursing, Daegu Haany University, Korea
Kim, Miok, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Dankook University, Korea
Kim, Moon Jeong, PhD, RNCollege of Natural Sciences, Department of Nursing, Pukyong National University, Korea
Kim, Sun-Hee, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Daegu Catholic University, Korea
Lee, Ju-Young, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Park, Sihyun, PhD, RNRed Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Shimpuku, Yoko, PhD, RNSchool of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Japan
Shorey, Shefaly, PhD, RNAlice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Song, Ju-Eun, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Ajou University, Korea
International Advisory Board
Bar-Noy, Sivia, PhD, RNDepartment of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Haruna, Megumi, PhD, RNDepartment of Midwifery & Women’s Health, University of Tokyo, Japan
Im, Eun-Ok, PhD, RNNell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, USA
Katapodi, Maria C., PhD, RNNursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland
Koh, Serena S.L., PhD, RNAlice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lee, Kyoung-Eun, PhD, RNNancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA
Loke, Alice Yuen, PhD, RNSchool of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Ethics Editor
Yun, Cheol-Heui, PhDAnimal Science & Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Korea
Statistics Editors
Ahn, Sukhee, PhD, RNCollege of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Korea
Kim, Joungyoun, PhDCollege of Engineering, University of Seoul, Korea
English Editor
Dombrowski, Andrew, PhDCompecs, Inc., Korea
Manuscript Editor
Seo, Yun JooInfoLumi, Korea
Layout Editor
Jeong, Eun MiM2PI Co., Korea
Website and JATS XML File Producer
Im, JeongheeM2PI Co., Korea

Role of Editors and Editorial Board members

Role of editor-in-chief
The editor-in-chief (EIC) has a final responsibility to publish manuscripts after review in the journal independently although she hears opinions of reviewers and editors. The EIC is the final decision maker on publishing and editorial policies and presides the editorial board meeting. When any issue on the publication ethics occurs, the EIC presides the ad hoc meeting for resolution of each issue and finally decides on the journal’s statement.
She recommends editorial board members to the President of the Korean Society of Women Health Nursing. She attends the executive board meeting of the Society to explain the journal’s status and budget. Externally, the EIC attends meetings of editors’ associations as a delegate of the society, including the Korean Council of Science Editors and the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors.

Role of associate editor:
Two Associate editors help the EIC by screening the submitted manuscript for compatibility with the journals’ aims and scope, whether it is described according to the journal’s style and format, and check for plagiarism using Copy Killer and/or CrossCheck (iThenticate). They also participate in selecting reviewers for each manuscript. The associate editors meet with the EIC regularly to discuss the review results and decide on acceptance of manuscripts. They can invite authors for commissioned articles.

Role of editorial board members
Editorial board members meet regularly to discuss the editorial policy and propose changes for improvement. They frequently participate in the review of manuscript and may recommend new reviewers. They may write an Editorial or Issues and Perspectives manuscript. They ask colleagues to submit a manuscript to the journal and may recommend potential authors for commissioned articles.

International advisory board members also advise the EIC for journal promotion and writing Issues and Perspectives manuscripts. They recruit submissions from outside of Korea. Their experience in journal editing is shared with the editorial board.

Ethics editor: The Ethics editor provides consultation and the resolution process on publication ethics issue, upon referral from the EIC. The Ethics editor also provides lectures relating to research and publication ethics issues to reviewers and editorial board members, as part of regular education sessions sponsored by the journal.

Statistical editors: The Statistical editors thoroughly review the statistics used in the manuscripts for appropriateness and logical interpretation. If any flaws are found, they will be reported to the EIC or Associate editors and are shared with authors for improvement.

English editor: The English editor proofreads all manuscripts for the abstract and English summaries, as well as full manuscript for English articles. Suggestions for better flow and logical thought processes are provided.

Manuscript editor: The Manuscript editor checks the style and format of all manuscripts according to the journal’s guidelines.

Lay-out editor: The Lay-out editor produces the PDF file according to the journal’s format.

Website and JATS XML File Producer: Production of JATS XML files based on the journal’s DTD is done and content is uploaded to the journal homepage.

Publishing credentials

Prof. Sue KIM (Editor-in-chief) has been Associate editor (2018-2019) of Women Health Nursing; Associate editor (since 2008) of Issues in Mental Health Nursing; Editorial board member (since 2015) of Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions. She is a reviewer for several international journals, including Palliative & Supportive Care, Psycho-Oncology, Applied Nursing Research, Asian Nursing Research, and Journal of Breast Cancer.

Prof. Ju-Hee NHO has been Associate Editor (since 2021) of Women Health Nursing; Editorial member and reviewer, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (2014-2019); Editorial member, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (since 2020); Reviewer, Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research (since 2016); Reviewer, BMC Cancer (since 2021).

Prof. Hyun Kyoung KIM has been Associate Editor (since 2022), Editorial member (since 2020), and reviewer of Women Health Nursing (since 2016); Editorial member and reviewer, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (since 2020); Editor-in-Chief and reviewer, Journal of Korean Parent Child Health (2014-2017); Editor-in-Chief and reviewer, Journal of Korean Unification & Nursing (2018-2020).

Prof. Kyung Eui BAE has been Editorial member (since 2022) of Women Health Nursing. She is a reviewer for several journals, including Asian Nursing Research (since xxxx).

Prof. Sukhee CHEON has been Editorial member (2010-present) and Reviewer of Women Health Nursing (since 2010); reviewer, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (2013-present).

Prof. Hyunkyung CHOI has been Editorial member (since 2022) of Women Health Nursing. She was a reviewer of Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (2015-2016).

Prof. ChaeWeon CHUNG has been Editorial member (since 2020) of Korean Journal of Womens Health Nursing, Associate editor (2014-2015) of Asian Nursing Research, She is a reviewer for several international journals, including Cancer Nursing, Oncology Nursing Forum, Public Health Nursing, Applied Nursing Research, Journal of Transcultural Nursing.

Prof. Emily DRAKE has been Editorial member (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; and reviewer and editorial board member for several journals, e.g., Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatal Nurses (1996-2001), and Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing (2012-2016); and reviewer for Journal of Human Lactation (2000-2005), Journal of Nursing Scholarship (2007-2010), Journal of Nursing Education (2011-2013), and ad hoc reviewer for Archives of Women’s Mental Health, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Policy, and Biomed Central Research Notes.

Prof. Sook Jung KANG has been Editorial member (since 2022) of Women Health Nursing. She is currently serving as a reviewer for Nursing & Health Sciences, Journal of Nursing Management, Asian Nursing Research, Journal of Advanced Nursing, and Child and Youth Services Review.

Prof. Kyung-Won KIM (Associate Editor) has been Associate Editor (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; Reviewer, Global Health & Nursing (since 2016); Reviewer, Journal of Digital Convergence (since 2020).

Prof. Miok KIM has been Editorial member (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; Editor of Asian Nursing Research (since 2020); Reviewer, Journal of Korea Society for Simulation in Nursing (Since 2017).

Prof. Moon-Jeong KIM has been Editorial member (since 2016) of Women Health Nursing; Reviewer, Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (2014-2017); Reviewer, Korea Society of Health Service Management Journal (since 2016).

Prof. Sun-Hee KIM has been Editorial member (since 2022) and reviewer (2010-2019) of Women Health Nursing; and Associate editor (2020-2021) of Journal of Qualitative Research. She is a reviewer for two international journals, including Asian Nursing Research and Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.

Prof. Ju-Young LEE has been Editorial member (since 2022) and Reviewer (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; Reviewer (since 2021) of Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.

Prof. Sihyun PARK (Editor) has been the Editorial member of Korean Society of Public Health Nursing (since 2019) and Women Health Nursing (since 2022). She is a reviewer for several journals, including Asian Nursing Research, Journal of Korean Academic Nursing, and Korean Society of Public Health Nursing.

Prof. Yoko SHIMPUKU has been Editorial member (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; and reviewer for several journals, e.g., BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (since 2016), Japan Journal of Nursing Science (since 2014) and Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery (since 2015).

Prof. Shefaly SHOREY has been Editorial member (since 2020) of Women Health Nursing; and is an active reviewer for several journals, e.g., Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, etc.

Prof. Ju-Eun SONG has been Editorial member (since 2012) of Women Health Nursing; Associate Editor, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (since 2020); Reviewer, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (since 2011); Editor and reviewer, Asian Nursing Research (since 2016), Reviewer, International Journal of Nursing Studies (since 2020), Journal of Midwifery (since 2020), and Nursing & Health Sciences (since 2016).

Prof. Cheol-Heui YUN (Ethics Editor) is Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Korean Council of Science Editors since 2017; Editor for a number of journals, including the World Journal of Immunology, Frontiers in Immunology (for the Molecular Innate Immunity Section and the Cytokines and Soluble Mediators in Immunity Section), and the Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Co-editor-in-chief of the Animal Bioscience since 2016.

Dr. Andrew DOMBROWSKI (English Editor) received a joint PhD from the University of Chicago in Linguistics and Slavic Languages/Literature. Subsequently, he completed a post-baccalaureate health professions program at UC Berkeley Extension and has worked as a professional biomedical editor since 2015. He has edited over 3,500 articles from diverse medical fields, ranging from public health and policy to surgical specialties and basic sciences.

Ms. Yoon Joo SEO (Manuscript Editor) is a medical field specialist manuscript editor with the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences certification and Korea Manuscript Editors Certification (KMEC). She serves as the Managing Director of KMEC at the Korean Council of Science Editors and actively contributes as an expert advisory member of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors. Currently employed by the only domestic specialist manuscript editing company, Infolumi Inc., she edits manuscripts for numerous prestigious medical journals.

Ms. Eun Mi JEONG (Layout Editor) is one of the best layout editors, proficient in producing high-quality PDF files. She has been working for M2PI, a renowned company in JATS XML production and journal website management, since 2018. At M2PI, she actively works for numerous PubMed Central journals.

Ms. Jeonghee IM (Website and JATS XML File Producer) has extensive experience in scientific publishing, in JATS XML Production of numerous PMC journals, such as Acute and Critical Care; Archives of Plastic Surgery; Animal Bioscience; Cancer Research and Treatment; and Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, to name a few journal website management, since 2014.

Editorial Office
College of Nursing, Yonsei University, 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2228-3276    Fax: +82-2-2227-8303    E-mail: whn@e-whn.org                

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